Day in the Life of a First Semester 1L

This is not a full and accurate accounting of my 1L (but if you don't think I have the information available, you're incorrect about the level of Type A that I am).  While this is not perhaps a typical daily schedule, it is what worked for me for 2 of 3 years.  "Typical" is a misnomer anyway- nearly everyone I know operated independently with their own plan.  (3L my schedule necessitated a "morning" study routine).

I was also more involved in student organizations than is suggest for a 1L (see infra next post, maybe).  For the sake of not burying the lede there- don't do multiple leadership roles as a first semester 1L especially if you haven't been in school for more than five years.

As a first semester 1L, I was taking 3 doctrinal classes and legal writing, and I lived within 5 minutes of campus, so I went home a lot.  I'm also the opposite of a morning person and I am an elite level procrastinator with ADHD.  Times altered appropriately to protect the innocent.

0730:  Hit alarm for 15 minutes.  Shower and Do Makeup (ignore hair, this is why our lord and savior invented the topknot amirite?).  Throw books in my bag, grab a bagel and water, and walk to class.

0900-1015:  Legislation.  This was my hardest class first semester because the material is dense and so was I.

1030-1145:  Property.  Still not sure what I learned in this class, but I passed the bar eventually so its whatever.

1200-1300:  eat lunch rapidly and snooze for an hour.

1300-1400: keep sleeping because i stayed up too late reading and i will probably do the same tonight.  Run to class.

1430-1600: Torts.  My torts professor is a delight and someone every 1L should meet.

1630-1730: My gym is between the law school and my home, so I went after class if I wasn't starving or in desperate need of a nap.

1730-1815: dinner.  always dinner.

1830-2045: this is when i take an after dinner nap, or watch netflix, or stare at my phone.

2100:  OH SHIT I HAVE TO STUDY O'CLOCK.  I had 3 classes the next day.  Legislation (this requires 3 hours for me to get through 20pgs, generally), Torts (2 hours, probably), and Legal Writing (we all gave up preparing for this class.  improvisation is a useful tool as an attorney).  However, I have a big gap in the middle of the day tomorrow, so i'm only going to do Legislation tonight.

0030: Finished working.  Spend another 30 minutes watching youtube videos reviewing new eyeshadow palettes that I shouldn't buy on a student loan budget.

0100: Brush my teeth.  Look at fancy skincare items and instead wash face with target brand makeup remover wipe.


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